Bnai Zion Medical Center is responding to the war crisis in the North

Haifa is under siege and the war is at our doorstep

Medical equipment is urgently needed


Bnai Zion is much more than ‘just’ a hospital

Bnai Zion Medical Center was founded more than 100 years ago as the first government hospital in the city of Haifa - the capital of the north and the third largest city in Israel. Along with the extensive experience it has gained over the years, the medical center maintains a youthful spirit that is characterized by its staff and the evolving activities.

Bnai Zion is in a constant state of renewal of medical excellence and professionalism, assimilation of innovative treatment methods, advanced technology, construction and treatment experiences that implements an extraordinary personal and human service standard.

Centers of Excellence

We are proud of the Bnai Zion’s Centers of Excellence, which reach extraordinary achievements and are ground-breakers in Israel and the world, thus making a significant contribution to the relevant target audiences and the status of the medical center.

The Institute of Allergy and Immunology

Bnai Zion’s Food Allergy Center is the only institute in the entire Northern region of Israel that treats children and adults with food allergies.

  • The aim of the activity at the institute is to reduce the range of life-threatening food allergies among children, and thus significantly improve their quality of life.

    We lead a unique treatment known as food sensitization: gradually exposing the child to minute amounts of the food to which the child is sensitive. This is a controlled exposure under medical supervision until you reach a maintenance dose that allows you to eat the food you are sensitive to. The treatment is only offered in two hospitals in Israel and we treat children from all over the country.

The Unit for Laparoscopic Surgery

As a leading Laparoscopic Surgical center, Bnai Zion is at the center of research, and pioneering new medical developments, such as artificial intelligence.

  • In the last two decades, the laparoscopic technique - surgery using only small incisions - has taken on a place of increasing importance. Bnai Zion performs most surgeries using this method with the most advanced standards in the world.

    The unit operates an international center for simulations used for performance evaluation and training of medical teams in the new surgical technique. The center enables the assimilation of the basic principles of laparoscopic surgery through a unique course consisting of a didactic part that can be self-taught via the Internet, and a part of basic skills that is tested using a laparoscope simulator.

    All the surgeries performed in the hospital are recorded for the purposes of study and in-depth analysis, also allowing scientific collaborations with companies in Israel and overseas.

Cochlear Implant Surgery Center

The only center in Northern Israel for Cochlear Implants that helps deaf children and adults to gain their hearing.

  • Bnai Zion’s Otolaryngology Department is the first in the north to perform cochlear implant surgery. Its program for medicine, surgery and ear and hearing rehabilitation is the largest in the region and, in the last decade, the most active in the State of Israel.

    The implantation of a device makes it possible to successfully treat patients suffering from sensorineural hearing loss, and even patients suffering from congenital hearing loss.

    In addition, the department offers hearing rehabilitation for transplant recipients. It also offers pedagogical and academic accompaniment assisting children with cochlear implants to realize their new abilities.

The Rehabilitation Center

Israel’s Ministry of Health has designated Bnai Zion as the Sole Rehab Center for the IDF in the North, treating soldiers impacted by the war.

  • With all that is happening in Israel, such as the war in Gaza, and the volatile situation with Hezbollah in the North, Bnai Zion’s Rehabilitation Center plays a crucial role in providing specialized care for soldiers wounded in action.

    The Rehab programs address a wide range of physical injuries, including orthopedic and spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries and amputations as well as psychological trauma resulting from the experience of war.

    Wounded soldiers from various hospitals in Israel have been constantly arriving since October 7th and require essential equipment.

Complementary Medicine Services

Bnai Zion offers complementary (integrative) medicine services within the medical center, in the inpatient wards and institutes.

  • This concept of work, which implements a synergy between conventional and complementary medicine, creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts and provides significant added value to Bnai Zion’s patients.

    The combination of methods provide real medical benefits. These services are offered in many of the departments and institutes. Bnai Zion has treated thousands of patients who have seen a significant improvement in managing pain, nausea, and anxiety.

    The results of providing complementary treatments, backed by studies, provide a larger toolbox for caregivers, thus shortening the length of hospitalization and lead to optimal treatment results for patients along with a much better patient experience.

The Dental Clinic

The only of its kind in Northern Israel, this Dental Clinic specializes in treating both adult and pediatric patients with special needs.

  • The Dental Clinic treats patients with special needs and soldiers with PTSD.

    Children with special needs require special care. This includes difficulties cooperating with an in-mouth procedure and may require general anesthesia to be treated.

    The clinic also treats former IDF soldiers who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), some of whom are former prisoners of war.


Bnai Zion is a fortified safe haven

Bnai Zion recognized the potential challenges posed by conflicts or emergencies and has proactively invested in infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted medical care.

Among its notable features are two underground floors dedicated to critical care services, specifically the Intensive Care Unit and the NeoNatal Departments.

These underground facilities serve as a fortified haven, designed to withstand external disruptions, and provide a secure environment for patients requiring medical attention. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly trained professionals, these specialized units are capable of delivering advanced critical care services even in the most challenging of times.

Advanced Infrastructure and Technology


Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System

The Da Vinci Surgical System, donated to Bnai Zion by Helmsley Foundation is a state-of-the-art robotic platform designed for minimally invasive surgery.

  • Renowned for its versatility, the Da Vinci Xi model is widely recognized as the leading multi-port robotic surgery system, setting the standard in the field. This advanced system is utilized across a broad spectrum of medical specialties, providing enhanced anatomical access, user-friendly operation, and seamless integration of cutting-edge technology.

    Medical applications of the Da Vinci system encompass a wide range of procedures. These include radical prostatectomy, pyeloplasty, cystectomy, nephrectomy, and urethral reimplantation. Notably, the Da Vinci system was instrumental in performing the world's first fully robotic lung transplant, showcasing its pioneering capabilities.

Shock Absorbing Infrastructure

Structural "shock absorber" seen from a central staircase. Installed to protect from earthquakes or possibly missile attacks.

  • This infrastructure is designed to absorb and dissipate the energy of an impact, reducing the force of the shock and minimizing damage to buildings and other structures.

    By minimizing the impact of these events, shock absorbing infrastructure helps protect the lives and safety of civilians, allowing them to better withstand the effects of missile attacks, earthquakes, and other threats to safety.

Underground Medical Departments

Bnai Zion’s underground facilities serve as a fortified haven, designed to withstand severe war-related risk.

  • During times of war and conflict, underground medical departments can be a crucial feature for providing care to patients.

    These departments are designed to be located underground, providing a layer of protection against the dangers of war, such as bombings and missile attacks.

    By being located underground, medical staff, patients, and equipment can be shielded from the direct impact of these events, reducing the risk of injury and damage.


The Heart of Haifa

Bnai Zion, located in Haifa, is a leading urban, community medical center that serves northern Israel, providing compassionate care without regard to one's ethnicity, religion or economic background. Just like the rest of Haifa, Bnai Zion reflects the superior implementation of diverse medical care.

The third largest city in Israel, Haifa is considered the cultural hub of northern Israel and a model of co-existence between Arabs. Christians and Jews, celebrating cultural diversity. Bnai Zion fully embraces the concept of coexistence by employing staff and treating patients of all backgrounds: Jews, Christians, Druze, Bahai’s, and Muslims.

Make a difference

Bnai Zion’s medical staff is doing critical work, but they cannot do it alone. They need your support! By making a donation today, you can help fund research, purchase medical equipment, and provide care to those in need.